This blog has been inactive for one year as of Feb, 3 2012. The fine fellow pictured above was the inspirational force and heavy lifter of this blog and passed away one year ago. Like "Madonna, Cher, Sheldon, Jacko and others some people only need one name for identification and Adrian Hands is well known worldwide in the cycling world as well; just Adrian! The North Road website and blog were his creation but most of the posts, blogs, links and articles were shared inspiration and some of my slightly edited email responses on cycling topics over the years to questions about the the craft of cycling. Adrian was a cycling world traveler, tourist, camper, randonneur ( www.rusa.org ), advocate, website designer and all around great guy that made people smile and remember him everywhere he went. I am proud to say he was my best friend but he was best friends to almost anyone that met him. Now that I know how to post to this thing (thanks to Adrian's son Ian ) I hope to continue Adrian's work to promote cycling to some degree and share forty plus years of cycling calamities and observations with who ever cares. To put things in perspective the last blog post Adrian arranged about turn of the 19th century English bicycle touring from Horace Kephart was performed using his knee tapping against a Morse Code "knee switch" on a power chair as ALS had stolen most of his other mobility, He was one great man.
If you are a cyclist you owe it to yourself to go to some of Adrian's links and learn something about it. His "http://cycling.ahands.org/" link posted below is one of the most informative cycling websites on the internet. Feel free to post your kind comments.
Thanks for reading,
Gilbert Anderson
Hello fans of Adrian,
February 3rd marks the one-year anniversary of Adrian Hand's death. Buddhist tradition calls for a day of celebration of his life. His wife Padmini has organized an event at the SGI-USA Buddhist Center in Raleigh on Sunday February 5 which will be preceded by your choice of two bike rides.
SGI-USA (Buddhist Center)
6307 Chapel Hill Road (Highway 54)
Raleigh, NC
8:00 AM – 102 km L’Societe d’Adrian Hands Populaire – (START/FINISH is the Harris Teeter at the corner of Western Blvd. and Jones Ferry Road, Raleigh)
9:00 AM – 30 mile ride led by Gilbert Anderson of Adrian's Haunts.
12:30 PM – 2 PM – light lunch offered by Padmini outside of the SGI-USA Buddhist Center -- 6307 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh
2 PM – Incense Offering and Chanting– Buddhist Center
3:30 PM – Adjourn
Jerry Phelps will be riding the permanent populaire and all RUSA members are welcome to come along. Please send me your Name, Address, and RUSA number. I will have a waiver at the start.
For non-RUSA members, Gilbert Anderson is also organizing a 30 mile ride along Raleigh greenways at a casual pace. Start and finish 6307 Chapel Hill Road, Raleigh at 9:00 AM at the SGI-USA center. Please be ready to leave at 9:00 AM. Contact him at North Road Bicycle Imports or milesawhelen@mac.com if you want to ride with him.
For more about the "Adrian the Great" go to:
Please join us for fun and companionship and remembrance.
Old friends and new,
I do hope to see you there,
Gilbert Anderson
North Road Bicycle Imports
PO Box 840
166 Court Square
Yanceyville, NC 27379
Our newest direct local Yanceyville Area phone is 336-421-4054
Toll Free Research Triangle Area, NC area 919-828-8999
Toll free Nationwide 800-321-5511